Evolve Story

About Company

Our Story

In 2020, we got our start as a natural continuation and evolution of our non-profit business and organization -stemming from our name “eVOLVe”, where we designed and conducted innovative business sustainability concepts to establish creative and evidence-based consultancy and capacity building programs aiming at changing the business mindset of our clients through consulting, training and mentoring them along their business growth journey starting by improving the way of thinking and problem solving, going through comprehensive business training and coaching program, and ending by mentoring and enabling them for expanding their market opportunities and scope of business. At eVOLVe, we consider our team as (Your Partner in Growth) as we believe the evolution towards growth is achieved and being possible by providing our clients and beneficiaries with skills, knowledge and tools that eventually should change their business positively.

In 2019/2020, our non-profit organization expanded its scope to include other socio-economic fields, and this prepared a solid base for launching (eVOLVe) as a profit-making management consulting firm and an arm for implementing a multitude of consulting, training and mentoring services.

Today, eVOLVe is expanding its services and practice areas to include economic development of entrepreneurs, HBBs, VSEs & MSMEs, women economic empowerment, export development & promotion, research, technical and vocational education and training (TVET), sustainable market systems, economic inclusion, supply chain and operational optimization, organizational development, and proposal writing & development.

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Our Perspective

Enhancing business opportunities and building sustainable economic situations and entities could be possible when we integrate concepts, people and resources which have impact on affecting their organizations. We tailor our actions that tackle different economic aspects in order to maximize the positive effect of our actions.

Our Mission

To enhance economic situations and business growth sustainably by designing and introducing comprehensive, evidence-based, outcome-oriented and locally-driven solutions for youth, business and local communities’ development. eVOLVe through its innovative (Your Partner in Growth) approach, customizes and adopts a knowledge-sharing, building sustainable business/market systems, and constructing partnerships with all the economic ecosystem’s players (public/governmental, private, business support organization (BSOs), civil society organizations (CSOs), and community-based organizations (CBOs)

Our Vision

eVOLVe believe in societies where all business entities and individuals have equal opportunity and resources to improve their organizations and societies.

Our Value

• Establish and create innovative development solutions that are self-sustaining in order to meet th evolving needs of our clients and beneficiaries.
• Ethical approach; in line with our vision and mission; with mutual respect for diversity and cultural differences as a steady support of individuals and organizations working to improve their socio economic situation.
• Continuous and continual improvement through proper measurement, investigating, analyzing, measuring, reporting and continually improving the outcomes and outputs.
• Enhancing and creating opportunities for our team to establish networks and partnerships with all the potential individuals, business entities and local communities in the pursuit of individual and organizational excellence.
• We are accountable to our clients and the communities where we work. we take ownership; we lead by example; we bring solutions not problems.
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